Thursday, May 2, 2013

never judge a professional by their picture with Larry the Cable Guy

I wonder if companies record you trying to talk to their automated systems. I'm sure it would be the most amusing thing ever. With me, they would hear, "Representative!!! Customer Service!! REPRESENTATIVE!!!". I have patience with the system for about 2.5 seconds, then when it can't understand what I want, I yell for a real person.

I haven't been stressing over the whole breech baby thing TOO much, just looking for solutions. The chiropractic office that I scheduled with yesterday does not take our insurance. BOO. So, I called about 50-60 of the 120 chiropractor providers that are covered under our insurance to see if they are Webster technique certified when I came across this guy....
That's right, he's standing there with "Larry the Cable Guy". I was super skeptical, but called anyway. Surprise!, the secretary said he is not Webster certified, but he actually got on the phone with me and told me about an amazing family chiro practice that specializes in pregnant women. SUPER NICE GUY. Lesson learned...never judge a professional by their picture with Larry the Cable Guy. I found them online and the website gave me the warm and fuzzies. They are affiliated with the local ICAN group and LaLeche League...that right there had me sold. They make me want to have my baby in their office...haha. They do not accept our insurance, so that's the down side. Boo. But, I have an appointment on Monday and the initial appointment is the doozey of a cost, after that, it's close to the same as insurance covered. I'm even more excited than I was yesterday. These people see my condition ALL.THE.TIME. and they prepare vbac women ALL.THE.TIME. This has made me even more confident in my journey!! Ohm Family Chiropractic, here I come!
Still working on the damn gardens...because every time we go outside, Madeline puts me on another project, like building a tent or closely supervising our still un-netted trampoline. Does anyone know how to put the net on? Come help, please?? Then I won't have to hear my frustrated husband grumble about what a PITA it is.

Oh, Pinterest project. I saw this a LONG time ago. After sharing a couple oranges today, we saved the peels, added them to a Mason jar with vinegar and in a couple of weeks, green cleaner! Ta-da!

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